Letter: Bremerton YC Reciprocal

Summer is always a great time to go out and stay in different yacht clubs that have reciprocal agreements. This summer was looking great. We were to be at the downtown Bremerton docks for a C&C rendezvous. We had been at Poulsbo and then down to Brownsville where we rode our bikes up to the Key Port to see the Underwater Navel Museum. It is a short three mile ride with wide a wide bike lane and the hill was very reasonable to climb.

We were a day early to be at the Bremerton docks, so we decided to go up into Dyes Inlet and then dock at the Bremerton Yacht club for the night. The tides had been extremely low so we checked our charts. We got into the Yacht Club about 1100 and tied up at the reciprocal dock. On our way up to the club house we noticed that the docks were close to the shore. However there were boathouses between us and the shore. As we sat at a table, we overheard three men having a conversation. When they mentioned the low tides, I asked them if I would have any problems, seeing how I draft 7' 3". They assured me that I would be fine where I was docked. We went down and prepared lunch. After lunch my wife got up and waked over to the starboard side of the boat. It listed a little, but then never came back up. We were on the bottom. We lost about two feet of water, and we had to wait about two hours before the boat floated again. So, if anyone is up at the Bremerton Yacht Club on a low tide day, be prepared to clean your bottom.

Glen Hunter, Sassy
