Death of a Sailor: Glenn Sutt

In February this year long time Member and avid Wednesday night racer Glenn Sut died suddenly. Glenn was a B Class regular. His Santana 20, Flasher, was the slow boat in the class for years, but that did not keep him out of the winners circle. He had been active in the Santana 20 class too.

A celebration of Glenn’s life is planned at Fort Nisqually on Friday, May 19, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to Fort Nisqually Foundation or the Lelooska Foundation.

You may or may not know about Glenn's love of history, antique weaponry and artifacts, particularly of the pioneering Northwest and Hudson's Bay Company activities at Fort Nisqually. Glenn was a member of the board of directors and active volunteer. I have been asked by his sister, Kathy Mattis to pass along an invitation to the entire club to attend this unique event which will include a black powder volley and pot luck dinner. An invitation is attached.
