South Sound Sailing Society Ship-to-Shore :

Bad diesel odors?

If you are sensitive to the smell of diesel fuel and/or exhaust, or if your engine is slow to start, or if you do not like soot on your transom ... you might be interested in Soygold diesel additive.
At a 20% ratio it changes the smell of diesel fuel to that of cooking oil, the exhaust gasses take on the odor of a deep fat fryer, the engine will start noticeably quicker, and the particulate in the exhaust will be reduced by 30%. Soygold other advantages including higher lubricity and lower toxicity for the environment. The blends are absorbed three times faster than petroleum diesel. If this sounds interesting to you and /or you would like to learn more about the product I can be reached at 491-2460.

David Ames , O-My-God

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