Letter: Unwrapped

My wife Teresa and I sailed/motored to Gig Harbor YC in a Coronado 32 we were considering buying, from a SSSS Member. As we motored to the gas dock, Teresa and I each had a mooring line. We simultaneously threw them to the dock attendant. He caught the bow line, but not stern line You can guess where the stern line ended up.

After failing to pull the line loose I went to the bulletin board on the dock. I found business cards for two different divers, but I was unable to reach a live person at either phone number. Things were not looking good. I did not wish to go into the water myself.

Contemplating my options, I asked myself, what gear was the motor in when the incident occurred? The answer was reverse, as we were wanting to come to a stop at the dock. So I asked myself, what would happen if I started the engine now? What could it hurt?

With my fingers crossed, I started it up. I gently shifted into forward and … WOW!! The line unwound itself from the propeller!! Sometimes the gods smile upon you.

Sometimes they do not. As we discovered when we ran aground attempting to leave the next morning at low tide. We were only stuck there for an hour or so, to the great amusement of the patrons of the Harbor Restaurant. A local power boater recognized the boat we were in. He gave us a quick tow. Soon we were happily headed home.

Thom Abbott, Heathe
