Hope Island Dash

The Hope Island Dash is an opportunity for SSSS members to take advantage of those brisk, steady westerlies that frequent our southern sailing region with a quick dash out and around Hope Island and back. The quickest dash is recognized with the Trophy. You don’t have to be a registered racer to do the Dash, and you can do it when the mood strikes you (and the winds are right). In fact, you can do it as often as you like. Following are the “Racing Instructions” for the Hope Island Dash:

Date: Anytime between the May General Meetings. No race fees required.

Course: Sail around Hope Island, either direction, and return.

Start/Finish Line: Any place on a line across Budd Inlet from an extension of SSSS Race Marks 1 and 4. Line up the dolphins at each end of Olympia Shoal and you’re on the line.

Instructions: Sail the Course. Turn in your time within two weeks of doing so, and before the May General Meeting of SSSS. Each contender must submit the following data in writing to the RC Chair for each attempt: Boat Name, Skipper’s Name, Date, Time of Start and Finish to the nearest second, and PHRF handicap. If you do not have a PHRF handicap, please contact the handicapper. You may try more than once and record each attempt. The engine may not be used while on the course. The official distance for correcting times is 13 nautical miles.

The Course for the Hope Island Dash
The Start and Finish Line- Olympia Shoal

Hope Island Dash- 2023-24

Place Skipper Name Type Rating Course Time Corrected
1 Drew Phillips Gru Cors 300 78 1:42:10 1:25:16